Careers Calendar 2023/24

Tue 3rd October 2023 (Evenings) Yr 10 Work Experience Launch in person recorded live stream
Wed 11th October 2023 Year 10/11 Careers Fair
Mon 30th October 2023 - Friday 3rd Nov 2023 Y13 Careers Interviews
Mon 6th November 2023 - Friday 10th Nov 2023 Lunch Time Career Talks
Wed 15th November 2023 Year 11 Mock Interviews
Fri 8th December 2023 Year 7 Drop Down Careers Day
Fri 19th January 2024 Year 8 Drop Down Careers Day
Mon 5th February 2024 5th -9th Feb National Apprenticeship Week
Mon 4th March 2024 4th - 8th March National Careers Week
Thur 7th March 2024 Year 9 Take your Child to Work Day
Thur 28th March 2024 Year 9 Careers Day
Wed 23rd April 2024 Year 10 Careers Day and Big Futures Careers Show
Mon 29th April 2024 - Friday 17 May 2024 Year 10 Careers Interviews
Wed 7th May 2024 - 10 May 2024 Lunch Time Career Talks 
Term SIX  
Mon 8th - Fri 12th July 2024 Year 10 and Year 12 Work Experience - programme to follow

Careers Assemblies

Autumn Term 1  
Wed 8th November 2023 Year 8 - Your Child To Work Day Launch Assembly
Thur 9, 23 Nov, 14 Dec 2023 Year 10  - Work Experience Tutor Time
Mon 11, 12, 13 Dec 2023 Year 7,8,9 Celebrating Apprentices
Mon 26,27,28,29 Mar- Fri 1 March 2024 National Careers Week – Careers in STEM - (ALL SCHOOL)
Mon 29, 30 April 2024 Year 7,8 - My Strengths  - My Career Pathway
Mon 13, 14 May 2024 Year 7,8 - Becoming An Entrepreneur
20, 21, 22 May Year 7,8,9 - LMI Across The Nation


The School embeds careers into the curriculum via each subject head and through all subject departments.  All subject heads teach to their proposed careers curriculum and this is available to view by department teachers within the Careers and Community in-house shared teaching folder.  Included within teaching plans, are; links to careers and employment; career posters (all on display around the School); links to more specialized teaching lesson plans;  details of proposed trips as well as details of proposed guest speakers.  This information is reviewed annually via an internal careers audit and is subject to Careers Governor monitoring.  Surveys are sent to students via Morrisby, the careers platform used by Key Stage 3-5 students at Gildredge House.  Parents have access to a range of career links via the website and via newsletters and emails sent to parents, daily, weekly and termly.

In addition to this, our CEIAG provision is supported by a host of other career-related events that our young people receive throughout the year. Examples of these include: Career fairs, mock interviews, focused assemblies and taster days to local colleges and universities. Each year group has a dedicated careers day in which employers are invited to participate.
