Friends of Gildredge House

The Friends of Gildredge House is a separate organisation of parent volunteers who work hard to fundraise for the school.

The Friends of Gildredge House (FoGH) is a registered charity (Charity Number 1164903) whose aim is to advance the education of students at Gildredge House in particular by:

  • developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and other individuals associated with the school; and
  • engaging in activities or providing facilities/equipment which support the school and advance the education of its students.


FoGH runs regular events throughout the academic year to raise money for the school including the Summer Fayre and Christmas Fayre. FoGH also regularly support school events such as Open Days and concerts by providing refreshments.

Fund Allocation

Allocation is the process whereby funds raised by FoGH each year are allocated to projects, equipment, and training for the benefit of students at Gildredge House. An Allocations Review Committee (ARC) is formed each Spring Term comprised of a diverse sampling of the parent body and staff body. The ARC considers the nominations for school projects that have been presented by the Senior Leadership Team and make recommendations to the FOGH Executive Committee for approval.

The fundraising efforts by FoGH have benefited the Gildredge House students in many ways. Here are just a few examples of recent projects that have been funded by FoGH:

  • A significant donation towards the ongoing build and workshops for the Outdoor Learning Environment.
  • The purchase of an oscilloscope for the analysis of wave-forms in Physics classes.
  • The purchase of an African drum set for the Music Department for use with the younger students.

Get Involved!

You can help support FoGH by:

  • becoming a member of the FoGH Committee;
  • signing up as a volunteer to help with certain events throughout the year; and
  • using corporate connections to add to our efforts such as matched funding.

We would appreciate your support in any capacity. Please contact us on

Data Protection

As a separate organisation to the school, the Friends of Gildredge House are required to be compliant with the Data Protection Act 2018 and have their own Data Protection Policy.
