Religious Studies Programme of Study

Father Tom’s visit to Gildredge House.

Religious education is a statutory subject and forms part of the core curriculum for all pupils at Gildredge House. Being an all-through school has enabled us to create a bespoke progressive Scheme of Work that builds on skills and knowledge across the whole school, taking account of the nature of our community. Our scheme of work strives to be relevant to the lives of young people of all faiths and none, and draws on the experience of the local faith communities within East Sussex.

Year 2 celebrating Diwali Year 4 exploring the religion of Islam

Intent for Religious Education

Intent 1: To design a curriculum subject with appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding so that children can reach and exceed their potential to learn, understand and remember key information about different religions.   

Intent 2: To build a curriculum subject which ensures children recognise and celebrate cultural diversity.  To develop an awareness and celebration of living in a multi-cultural society and being mutually respectful towards the beliefs of others. 

Implementation of Religious Education at Gildredge House

EYFS KS1 Lower KS2 Upper KS2
In the Foundation Stage, religious education will make an active contribution to all of the seven areas of learning.  The religion studied will be mainly Christianity with some reflection of the religions within our school community.  The Key Religions are Christianity and Judaism with some reflection of local religions and secular world views. The Key Religions are Christianity, Judaism and Islam, with some reflection of local religions and secular world views. The Key Religions are Christianity, Judaism, Islam & Buddhism with some study of the local religious community and secular world views.

Each unit of work identifies prior learning and shows how this is built upon. Religious Studies is taught in blocked units within a term to allow suitable links to be made to specific religious festivals taking place, eg Easter and Christmas. 

For more information, on the implementation please see the Programme of Study


