Multilingual Students (EAL)

At Gildredge House, our vision for all students is clear and underpinned by a strong value-based education where learning in and out of the classroom is prioritised, to support students to achieve their potential and beyond. We have the highest aspirations for our school and every member of our school community. 

The Multilingual students strategy supports our EAL students to feel fully part of this vision. These students will have opportunities to use their first language, whilst developing their second (English), and will be encouraged to share aspects of their culture throughout their time at Gildredge House. 

We will ensure they can fully access the curriculum by upskilling staff, by providing professional development that is evidence-based and delivered by those with expertise in teaching multilingual students.  

Having English as an additional language will not be a limiting factor to a students’ attainment, progress and school experience. In contrast, being a bilingual student is something to be celebrated and admired.  

Documents and Links

Please click the link below, which will open the Gildredge House Multilingual Students strategy document.

Multilingual Students Strategy
