Our Vision, Mission and Values

Our Mission - Aspire, in all that we do.

At Gildredge House, our vision is clear and underpinned by a strong value-based education where learning in and out of the classroom is prioritised, to support students to achieve their potential and beyond. We have the highest aspirations for our school and every member of our school  community.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a school that:

  • Aspires for balanced students who flourish through opportunities and learning experiences in and outside the classroom.

  • Aspires toward a culture of care and wellbeing, which results in optimal conditions for learning.

  • Aspires to be proud of the Gildredge House way, our uniform and attendance.

  • Aspires for all students to achieve their potential and beyond.

  • Aspires for an inclusive, all-through, values-based curriculum.

  • Aspires for students to understand their responsibility to be global citizens, contributing to a better world.

  • Aspires to celebrate students’ individual and collective achievements.

  • Aspires to engage young people in environmental education and action.

  • Aspires for a strong careers programme which supports students in further education, training, and employment.

  • Aspires to work collaboratively within our local, national, and global communities.


At Gildredge House, the strategic plan and vision for our school is underpinned by a values-based education. Our stakeholders have discussed, collaborated, and developed this thinking to create six core values that we believe will ensure that our students aspire to achieve success. We believe this creates a strong learning environment that enhances personal and academic achievement while also developing students' social and relationship skills that will last throughout their lives. A positive learning environment is achieved through the positive values modelled by all members of our community, from Reception to Year 11, Teachers to Parents. Our curriculum is developed with our Aspire values in mind and we recognise and reward students when they demonstrate them.


We relish new challenges or opportunities, always strive to do our best.


We collaborate, encourage, and help others whilst accepting and responding to support ourselves.


We have self-belief in overcoming challenges to be successful.


We are honest and always do the right thing.


We consider our strengths and areas for development whilst making connections in our learning.


We understand the feelings and needs of others, supporting those who sometimes need our help.

The Gildredge House Way

Our school is founded upon high standards and high expectations of students’ attitude to learning. We expect a commitment from all students to the Gildredge House Way, in being Ready, Respectful and Safe, in and out of every lesson. We also believe it is important celebrate individual and collective achievements through a culture of ‘catching students in’.
