In Year Applications

In year or casual admissions will arise when a place becomes available outside the normal annual admission round for the school. Where there are two or more applicants for a place the school’s oversubscription criteria will be used to rank the applications.

Students who have not previously stated Gildredge House as a preference when applying for a school place.

Where a student has not previously applied for a place at Gildredge House the student must, in the first instance, make a formal application to transfer schools directly to East Sussex County Council using the Common Application Form. Once the application has been processed, and if a space is available at Gildredge House, that student will be offered a place. In the event that the application for a place is rejected by the Governing Body you will be informed of such in writing. A further application can then be made direct to the school for the applicant’s name to be placed on the school’s in year Waiting List. The applicant’s name will remain on that Waiting List until the end of the term in which the application has been made. Should the student wish to reapply to the school to be included on the school’s new Waiting List a further application can be made directly to the school either electronically or in hard copy at the beginning of the new term.

Students who have previously stated Gildredge House as a preference when applying for a school place.

Where a student has previously applied for a place at Gildredge House, and where the student has been unsuccessful in obtaining a place, the student qualifies to be placed on the school’s Waiting List. Applications to be placed on the Waiting List must be made direct to the school either electronically or in hard copy. The applicant’s name will remain on that Waiting List until the end of the term in which the application has been made (in the case of phase transfers this will be the 31st December). Should the student wish to reapply to the school to be included on the school’s new Waiting List a further application can be made directly to the school either electronically or in hard copy at the beginning of the new term.

There are a number of ways you can apply to be included on the waiting list:

  • Download our printable application form. This can be printed out, filled in and returned to the School Office.
  • Pre-printed copies are available from the School Office if you do not have access to a printer.
  • You can apply online by filling out the online application form below.

IN ALL CASES, students will remain on the school’s Waiting List until the end of the term in which the application has been made. It is the responsibility of the parent requesting a place to renew their application to be placed on the Waiting List at the beginning of the new term.

The school may refuse admission to applicants who have been permanently excluded from two or more other schools. The ability to refuse admissions runs for a period of two years since the last exclusion. Exclusions which took place before the student concerned reached compulsory school age do not count for this purpose.

Application form

Child’s details


First parent / carer details

Second parent / carer details

Additional information

Does the child have a statement of special educational needs?
Is the child in the care of a local authority?